Many years ago, I took a group of my healing training students to the Zen Temple for a Dharma Talk. The visiting monk was telling a story of drinking a beer with a friend. As he finished, he looked me right in the eye and said “it can be very lonely being a dharma teacher.” My eyes filled with tears. It hit me deeply, and I’ve carried that ever since. It was a time that I was feeling lonely on my path- and have revisited many times since.
There can be a tendency in the healing world to encourage people, no matter what stage or state they are in, to “just do it.” To move forward in that loneliness no matter what the cost. But that can be too hard, and not right for us sometimes. We can realize that this isn’t a “no pain, no gain” kinda thing. It’s sacred- and should be respected, just as we should respect ourselves. With our strengths. And vulnerabilities. 🙏
As a teacher of mine said “you don’t go deep sea diving with a snorkel…” Boy, isn’t that the case. We get to have the right equipment. Even if there is risk and pain involved- we can still get the right support along the way. We deserve that.
So please make sure that you have the right support, that fits you, when you do deeper work. Self-healing, and all healing…is no joke. I love peeps and clients who take the right pace and discernment.
As householders, “blowing up our lives” may not be the responsible thing to do. Especially now. Things cost more, in all ways, right now.
Reminders: You can take your time. And take breaks. And back up, if you need to. Though some of us pitta peeps get thrown in the fire, so to speak- I encourage and pray for you to have some type of unconditional love and support along the way. If you are burning down your toxic village, higher power and/or a sweet animal can do it- with some good journaling, tapping, breathing and/or subconscious processing. (After years of “doing it alone,” I now have a great team, and you can always see my higher furry angel, Sam, in my stories…😍🥰❤️)
It can be lonely and tough enough just as it is. Let’s make it is easier by employing grace and love- and know there is no place we have to be, but here. And you are doing awesome. 💕💕💕