Do you have your wellness woobies for the cold weather coming in??
I developed (downloaded?) these babes back in 2005, when I needed something for my clients with herbs specially formulated for what they had going on. It started out with three, and then they grew a life of their own. 8 packs, one for each chakra (heart gets two- we had to put a rose and vanilla in pink…).
I’ve tried to retire them many times- but clients love them. For themselves, and their kids…some peeps go to bed with them every night. 💫🙏💗
Blue is my eucalyptus blend for throat and respiratory, amazing for asthma and sinus-y junk…lavender is for headaches and relaxation…(husker!) red is for grounding- amazing for all my clients who suffer from anxiety, brings you down quickly…yellow (yes…hawkeye!) is circulatory to bring flow to your life and support the solar plexus…orange is for menstrual, low back pain, and creativity…green is for heart and shoulders, bringing in energy and vitality…rose helps to complement with a more feminine connection and support for the pericardium…and indigo is for clarity, awareness, eyes and intuition. (Can you tell I’ve listed these off a couple of times for clients 🤣).
They are amazing. And you are amazing. So you deserve to be together. Such great self care and self love. 💕💕💕
We definitely ship- and can add candles, aroma-spritzes, crystals, sage, tea, bath salts, foot and bath teas, palo santo, bongers and/or still point inducers to a healing box for you or others.
Here’s to your healing and here’s to you! Link in bio or go here:
Enjoy! 😘❤️