Sometimes when you ask for higher connection- you just might get it. But not always in the way that you think…and it just might make you laugh your butt off. Yep- the Universe has a great sense of humor.
I had a young lady client who came in this week to continue to working on things. The week before I had received got the message that she needed energetic protection at school- and what "showed up" was a wall of rainbow colored butterflies. I asked her if that made sense, and she laughed and said that she used to have rainbow butterflies on her wall. And yes, that would make her feel good and safe.
She told me that she had been using the the wall of butterflies and it had really helped her that week at school- and the anxiety had decreased even more. In the past, and with her trauma, she always looked pretty capable, so no one knew she was suffering so much. She had felt very alone, but now we were just getting to the place that she felt like she could trust some people some of the time- and that she may not have to feel alone all the time.
So she asked me "when you say, 'put it out there,' or 'ask for the help from Spirit when I feel alone,' what do you mean by that? How exactly do you tap into their higher power?"
I explained that it shows up differently for everyone. That it depends on what your belief systems were, what made sense for her, and what her relationship to the Universal Energy was. I told her that she could use anything- and if nothing came to her, she could borrow one until something showed up for her.
I encouraged her that maybe she could ask Spirit to show her a sign. We talked about the different ways they could show up. Like passed love ones, a deity, angels, archangels, gods or goddesses of any sort, animals, or random characters. She could just pick what felt good to her- and it would work out for her.
Then I "got a message." I "saw" a critter on the ground next to her. I couldn't make out right away, but it was not your usual animal totem. And I realized- it armadillo.
I paused, and took a breath to get ready to go into this explanation. I giggled akwardly and and then hesistantly said: "well, for some reason, I am seeing an armadillo for you. Does that make any sense?" I cringed, like I always did after delivering a message- always wondering for a few seconds I was going crazy.
She laughed smoothly and then said "Omg, I can't believe you said that!! My best friend has an armadillo bobble head in her truck. It's my favorite place to be. Being with her and my other friend (we nicknamed him "Woobie" because he instantly grounds and calms her when he comes around...), we would drive around in her truck- and she had this crazy armadillo."
“You mean your badass friend that you love who moved to Texas? The one who said she could come and kick those mean girls' asses for you?"
I told her that these are just parts of us that we can't tap into. Her friend the warrior, until she had the strength- and the armadillo, you know, who lives in Texas now...they are all part of her Spirit Guides. And she could use the symbolism of the armadillo- for the armor and protection.
Maybe she was ready to have more than the butterflies- for all the things that she was going through right now. We did her energy balancing treatment and finished up.
On the way out, I grabbed an animal totem book that had the spiritual symbolism of animals. Never anything I "believed in" in the beginning of my work. But when animals started showing up repeatedly, I finally looked them up- and like all the work that showed up for me, it always made sense for what my clients were working on.
So I looked up armadillo and intuitively read the explanation for her (a work that I do where I can only "see" the words that pertain to the client I am working with...)
This is some of what it said: The armadillo carries it’s protection with them- and how to use it only when necessary- and that is has the ability to protect itself without harming others. (She would never hurt someone unintentionally- she’s incredible, and not made that way.) It stated that this is the animal that is good for extremely empathetic people because they will need a armored shell to keep themselves safe. And even to be able to roll up into a ball if they absolutely have to. And lastly, armadillo will show you how to armor up, and then when its safe to let your defenses down-which can be hard to discern. How do you stay open, and protected??
This is EXACTLY what she was going through.
We laughed and took turns shaking our heads. She was blown away. I was, per usual, in awe of such science and perfection. And- like always I said- "see, there's no way I could make this shit up." It was beyond my abilities and comprehension.
Any guide is just…you- your higher self/higher power, it is trying to communicate to you the things that you already know, but maybe forgot. This is to remind that you are not alone. And you are protected. And you get to protect more.
We never know what will show up to guide us. And if we ask and look, we might just get the confirmation and assistance you were needed- more than your conscious mind could ever conceptualize.
Heal on, Warriors. You’ve got this.