Opposums, Owls, Eagles, Mice...Oh My!!

So part two of the great animal spirit guide story from last week…

After we saw the armadillo in session for my amazing client, she came back the next week for her session. I asked her how things were, and she replied with her “not bad,” (which was her norm if things were not exploding around her). Many young people right now are having huge, and very fast, spiritual lessons and flow happening. And when you are on “a path,” things can sometimes go hyper-speed.

She then sat down and told me that the energy has been “weird” (I hear that a lot…). I asked her how and she said she wasn’t sure, but that there seemed to be a lot going on.

Then she randomly told me that an owl had woke her up the night before. She said she usually doesn’t hear the owls on her side of the house, but that her parents had spoke of it before. She mentioned that there was a field in the back of the house- and I stated that it was probably hunting. She agreed and stated that she went outside to see if she could see the owl, and it looked right at her. She even thought it looked “through her” and it was odd.

I recalled that I had seen a hawk with my son the morning before on the way to school. That my son had thought it had a mouse dangling, but I had realized that it was definitely not a mouse- because that’s usually what we see hawks and owls catch. But it was wayyyy too big for that. And that is was probably a baby opossum. We both made sad faces and I said “circle of life,” and we moved on.

Her eyes brightened and she said “oh yeah, I saw an opossum in the middle of the road driving home last night.” It, too, was looking right at her.

I talked about how animals will keep showing up in order for you to get guidance and understanding from them. And how they all have symbolic meanings and we can look them up if she wanted.

”Yeah, its been pretty weird, I saw a bald eagle circling me leaving school last night.” Hmmm, we both thought that was weird.

And then…she told me that a MOUSE had was in the music room at school when she got there and was freaking everyone out. There was much chaos and screaming- and she walked through the melee to her seat. Suddenly the mouse made a bee line for her desk and stopped right in front of her. Everyone paused in the class and you could hear a pin drop. She froze and just looked at the little cutie, then it went up a couple of steps that made it level to her face, and just sat there. Everyone was bewildered- and eventually the mouse found a space behind her and stayed there for the rest of class.

”That’s a lot of stuff to have happen in a week,” I said.

”When was the opposum?”

”Last night.”

”Oh, when was the owl?”

”Last night.”

”When was the eagle?”

”Yesterday after school.”

”And the mouse was today??”


”What are you, Snow White??!”

She laughed modestly “I guess so.”

”So all this happened within the last 24 hours?? That’s crazy. There has to be message in all of that. Especially if its right before your appointment, don’t you think??” We agreed.

I went to grab my reference book “Animal Speak” and started doing intuitive readings on the animals to see if any of it resonated.

Not surprisingly, it was all spot on. One part, she said, about being affixed to something and not “looking” at other options- that the universe can guide you, but you think you are missing out when you don’t get what you are obsessed about. And that actually there is something way better out there for you.

And that what she hadn’t told me, is the college that she had decided one had changed its policies and she wouldn’t be able to go there anymore because of other circumstances.

I tuned in, and then said with as much balance as I could “I bet there is something that is more you- that is what you are meant to be and do, and fits the great person that you are.”

Then the image of Jane Goodall. Her animal connection. Her spirituality. Her environmental activism. And how she is so very connected. She let me gush about her and my knowledge about her. When I was done, she said, yeah, I used to be obsessed with her.

She also mentioned that she never wanted a mediocre life- and wanted to do something that mattered. And that animals and nature were always more comfortable than people. I brought up the fact that going to a college that she wanted to go to, but not knowing what she wanted to do yet…maybe the Universe had something beyond mediocre for her. Maybe she was being led into a life that was more magical than she could ever dream. Heck, maybe she was supposed to go work with Gooddall Institute!

We talked more about National Geographic and traveling, and drinking the nectar out of life. All the possibilities and opportunities that were available- that had to be shown after other doors closed.

And maybe the animals should show her the way. Who knows?? But we can stop. And listen. And learn.

That night, I received a text from her- a picture of an armadillo statue and the message stating “Just got sat right next to this guy at the Texas Roadhouse. Crazy!!”

I replied with several laughing emojis and an “Omg!” because we knew this wasn’t an accident. We knew this was another confirmation that Spirit is everywhere, in so many ways, to guide us, let us know that we are on the right path, and that we are not alone. The guidance can come in ways that make sense to us- if we only ask, and are open to receive.

I can’t wait to see what happens next for her. She’s amazing. Our work together reminds me that with all the trauma and beauty, and the ups and downs of life, the best thing we can do is stay anchored to what is perfect and never lies. Nature, animals, Spirit, and truth- are just some of those things that I get to witness everyday helping people heal. What amazing medicine we have access to. If you only show up and listen.

Off you go, amazing badasses- connect and heal! Spirit, and I, have got you! And please let me know your stories- they are just so amazing!!