My new "yard." Mind blowing and humbling how we arrived here. Still settling in and grounding out, but started work in the clinic straight away. In these last two weeks, we've healed some major shit in this glorious space. A boatload of birth trauma last week that had led to anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, migraines, and sinus issues in 3 separate kiddos- ear ringing and vertigo- grief that is finally being allowed- people leaving abusive relationships after they have done every last bit of their personal work in regards to it- high level of depression due to a huge loss in school that was never reconciled- chronic pain going back to abandonment in childhood- postural issues due to protection and imbalance- finding voices that were silenced which healed ongoing pain in neck and threat- food sensitivities cleared- a collapsed ankle due to unhealed issues with dad and support healed- menstrual cycles getting back on track- letting go of attachments that were manifesting as inflammation and pain- new workout regimen that took discipline resulting in less frustration and more energy- new jobs and new developed companies- forgiveness that led to freedom- realizations leading to empowerment- and a good amount of sore necks, shoulders, knees, and backs. From the new to moon to full moon, it's been humbling to witness. Ready to be unpacked so we can officially release the new website and blog about all these incredible healing and success stories. My clients are amazing. We are here. We heal a lot of shit here. I am humbled. ❤🙏
#healing #trauma #healthyself#spiritualwarrior #vikingyogi#ihearthebody