Ha! One of my favorite shows, which picked me before I picked it. I had gone away from any scary movies decades ago- along with dis-allowing negative thoughts, actions, and deeds. I wanted only light, that healed so much of the complex trauma and deep darkness that I grew up with and was "destined" to have and be in this lifetime. So I thought clean, ate clean, acted clean, and pretended that all the darkness wasn't dark and had affected me, that had merely "taught" me so I could teach others.
What I hadn't fully accounted for, is that when you distance the pain...i.e. dont deal with it fully, you don't heal it and you repeat a lot of the same patterns, attracting the same vibrations in different situations and faces. When my soul shattered and fell on my face after PollyAnna-ing it for so long, I learned that pain and darkness IS part of the light- not the opposite, but one in the same.
A friend told me about @thewalkingdeadamc, and the character development and storyline. I was hooked the first episode due the complexity and truth of the matters which they faced, and how it correlated with the hell we face every day, and how neutral and loving we can be in it. How you make right choices when faced with hard circumstances and situations. Right action. Most of these characters are "yogis" as well as normal humans- applying principles to really hard things. Dealing with insurmountable amounts of pain and still making the right choices. Not letting the pain destroy them, but letting it in. Making room for it.
So I let myself go into the warrior, the apocalypse, and the world of zombies- so I could learn how to really become light. How you find your peace in the middle of chaos, this is the theme of this show, imo- and it shows me how our collective consciousness is clicking along in our society. You can try to avoid the pain, but until you let it in, you can't heal it, understand how it was here to teach you, how it serves you, and let it be part of your experience without ruling you and taking over. We make room for pain here. #wehealhere #pain #love#rightaction #peace #spiritualwarrior#loveheals
Yep, I just did a healing post about The Walking Dead...β€πβοΈπΊππΌπ