Something better, and bigger, usually comes with loss...

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I work behind the scenes on a lot of amazing shit, 99% of which I never get to share. People, who, through tragedy, sickness, loss or a drastic “rug pulled out from under them” kind of thing that changes your path forever are a big part of who I get to see as clients. With my clients, we uncover the “why’s” (sometimes, it is “just because”) and the goodness from the pain, disappointment and the radical pull or push away from what we planned.

This good solid man, Dave, a 5th generation Iowa farmer, husband and dad was referred to me after he unexpectedly lost his county supervisor position- and his father, his great friend, and leader of their farm and family. All of the men in his family dutifully and selflessly have served their communities- and he was lost and confused, and ready to learn and heal.

I “knew” it the first session that this man was meant to serve in a higher way. I got every message that he was needed in a bigger capacity- and that there is definitely a shortage of true value based men that don’t run on ego, and can’t be bought. And…we may have received some beautiful visitors from “the other side” that confirmed this. Stories that I couldn’t make up if I tried. (But that’s for another time…) But when you are in it, and have lost so much at once- its very hard to see. It takes time. And patience. And when there is pain, that can be hard to come by…

Through the months I worked with Dave- helping him to settle his spirit and system, clear his old trauma, and heal his heart- we allowed for clarity for the next steps. He did some deep soul searching- and learned the right techniques to “hear himself” to be ready for the next steps. Any recommendation we threw out there, he did. Any resources that “downloaded” about policy, type of ways of serving his people, how to be the best leader and statesman from an aligned place, he devoured. He listened, learned, and worked on himself. There wasn’t much pulling or prodding to do as he already had all the components. And as with all clients, we uncover the darkness- there wasn’t a whole lot there due to how this man already approached and lived his life.

As we can see time and time again- we aren’t in control…of much. We simply can do the right things, put our intentions out there, and the powers that be will put the right people, places, things and events in our path to merge with what is right for us. And then…we get to play in the good games.

A few months after we started working together, we reconvened on the phone to check in about some things. A group reached out to him and asked him if he had thought about running for Senate. He had, but he thought it was years and many steps down the road. (But obviously, we need him now!) He wanted to make sure he was aligned, it was the right path, he was going to do right by his family and community, and that he was right for the job. Yep, yep, yep, and yep. We checked off all the boxes- and I was in tears and excited. I keep my professional distance with cases- but when you see magic happen in front of your eyes, something you could never have dreamt of it being this good…its a damn blast! So after a couple more months, lots of analysis, discernment, deep searching and making sure it was right, Dave Muhlbauer announced this week that he is running for Iowa Senate. Yessss!!!

I am honored to have been a part of Dave’s advising committee- in the capacity of healing coach, bodyworker, and spiritual advisor. It has been a blast to watch, as always, how the Divine works in this situations. I’m in awe how Spirit has led this information- through me, then Dave, then back again- with perfectly placed resources, connections, progressive environmental info, and spiritual “downloads.” And I get to see this actually reflect back in policy and government- blended all together??! It feeds so much of who I am. I couldn’t haven made this story any better if I tried!! Thanks for trusting me. Thank you for allowing me to do such fulfilling work - and to keep answering the question of “how healing works!”