Doesn’t mean you knew it- or were supposed to. 🙏💕 Empowerment is the word for the week. So many clients, who have given their power away, are claiming it back. Maybe they didn’t know they had the right, maybe they were taught that they couldn’t stand up or they wouldn’t get their needs met, maybe it was that was the agreement in their relationship, or if they didn’t let others lord over them bad things would happen, or they didn’t feel worthy enough.
But now they are finding out at the end of the day they are 100% responsible for their lives- how they feel, who they hang around, where they work, how they show up, how they take care of themselves- or not, what their intentions, actions and reactions are, etc. Taking your power back means getting real with things, sometimes realizing why you handed it over, what benefits it gave you, and if you are ready to do what it takes to take it back. Letting go of excuses, identity, sometimes victimization; maturing, getting out of blame, letting ourselves have emotions; creating a new life; being stronger, responsible, accountable. And getting the support that you don’t have to be alone in it. Doing what it takes.
Man, it’s hard stuff- but it’s always worth it. So freaking proud of these warriors I see all day long. I am inspired every day how when you put things in action, what magnificence can occur. Any small step is still a step in the right direction. Keep on keeping on, you’ve got this. I’ve got your back. ❤️💪🏼🙏💕#empowerment #power#youhavethepower #healing#wehealhere #trauma #rightaction