You Don't Have to Feel their Shit...

I love being driven by love instead of worry and guilt. Man, what a long, hard trip that was...💫

Growing up, the message I received was that if I didn’t feel others’ pain and emotions, and didn’t help them, then I had no worth. It was my job, and my job only, to take care of others and their problems. 💫

I now continue to heal, and hold space for others to do the same. Being an empath, without being codependent, is a great thing to be, I think. I don’t mind feeling deeply, and being there for others’ experiences- as long as they don’t become mine. It’s weird, because it felt mean, and non-caring in the beginning. It took a long time to re-train myself. 💫

So very thankful for those on my healing team, that help me to remember that I’m not the source for others- and I’m honored to be part of my clients’ healing team to remind them the same. And then the physical and emotional symptoms improve and many times go away. 🙏💫

We heal here. And will continue to do so...🔥💪🏼💕