You Are your Own Healer...

Your body is brilliant. It holds the keys for our healing. No one “heals” us- but they can help shine the light on the dark, hold space for us, tap into the areas that we can’t “hear” until we can hear for ourselves, help us communicate with more parts of us, share wisdom in modalities that we are not versed in…but WE do the healing. We remove the blocks, the energy, the beliefs, the disconnect- and “allow” our systems to do what they were designed to do…create and heal. (To what degree we heal is up to our path in this lifetime- a topic for another time, but not everything “gets better” this time around…)

I see practitioners as our team. But each individual are their own case manager. We are in charge of who and how assistance shows up. (Which we sometimes needs help “hearing” how to facilitate that position.) We are “led” to certain peeps, then have to discern if they are the right fit- all while working out karma and normal human shit along the way. And we end up coming back to ourselves. Brilliant.

This participation in our healing is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Let us take back our power- and know that the answers are within us, if we just do the work to peel back the noise and interference. It’s easy to get discouraged- so we take breaks, and find new ways to go about it for the stage of our lives.

You’ve got this. Even if doesn’t always feel like it. Showing up for ourselves is the first step- and you are already doing that by reading this and participating in life. Look how fucking brilliant you are…