My son and I were walking through Target with a specific list that included a swim suit for me for this next weekend (I'm used to wearing shorts and a tank for lake stuff, and have bikinis for pools, but a wave pool and slides all weekend? I needed something that's a little more comfortable...and asked the Gods to show me the right thing. They did.π)
So I needed to go to the "dreaded" fitting room with a new attitude. Back story- I'm very mindful of the words that I use around my son and keep a my own shit and issues I'm working on to myself. But we talk about things that come up for him and around him. No one is "fat" they just "have different amounts of fat" - find the balance of healthy food and movement and let your body be what it is- what makes "strong" or "healthy"- and dialogue about how women and girls and boys and men talk about their bodies.
And I know that I'm personally going to have to dialogue with my own voices when I try on this damn swim suit. So as we going toward the back of the store, we pass this aisle with this single shirt hanging. Aidan proclaims..."ooh, Mom, look at that shirt! You need to get it, it's so you!" Huh? I don't buy stuff like this for me. It's too "showy." Lol. So I tell him, well, only size they had was an XL and it had a black mark on it- but he wasn't having it. "Well, you can wear it as pajamas. You have to get this."
I just smiled- because he doesn't usually insist on things for me, but I sensed there were many layers to this, and him, and Spirit. So I grabbed in and put it in my basket. And tried it on. After the swim suit. And, of course, it shifted me. And was perfect. So I had to take a picture to remember this moment. My boy. Who channels Wonder Woman when I need her. I can't wait to write about all the amazingness that I'm witnessing in our male youth. The feminine is rising- even in the most masculine of energies. We have boys here who remind us that there is always support. β€βοΈππͺπΌπ
#femininerising #wehealhere#spiritualwarrior #wonderwoman#selflove #truth #feministboys#healing #vikingyogi#balancematters