This is me. đź’«
I did a meet and greet/interview call yesterday morning with this kickass copywriter that is hjoining our team. But I ran late on a Monday morning with my kid and pup, and assistant that I talked too long to- getting her up to speed for the day/week, and didn’t get time to hop in the shower. (Not because I slept late, I’m up at 530/6am every morning now) I hopped on the call, letting her know I hadn’t showered. I was into what we were saying, that I didn’t get a chance to check my face and hair until the end. 💫
My mind wanted to be mortified for a minute- because I was in my clinic that’s in my basement, and the lighting isn’t great unless I put on my film lights. My face was sooooo red. I thought I should feel bad. Even apologize to her for “looking a fright.” After all, she had to look at me for an hour. 💫
And then I realized...fuck that. We just have to stop that. Did I think men had to worry about how they looked before jumping on a call?? Did I think this woman would care since she saw my brand and who I am?? And if not, wasn’t it my duty to give her permission to show up real as well? Isn’t that the balance and the world that I want to create for my team? 💫
You bet your ass it is. And I’m busy AF- which is why I need to hire more peeps, duh. We have to reach more people- hold a space for more people to heal- get the message of self-healing out into the why did I give AF about my crazy hair, and my red face?? Because I’ve been indoctrinated. Programmed. And I am still working through it. I’m not a handmaid. I’m not a Martha. And I’m sure as shit not a commander’s wife. So what does that leave me?? A badass single mom healing practitioner and entrepreneur who has overcome a ton of trauma and shit to heal herself, and help others to do the same. And many, many more complexities that we all are.... 💫
So please, just be you. You don’t have to show up as anyone as you. Red faced and all. (And ha! This is today- and wayyyy better lighting, but how I show up at the gym. I’m still getting used to not having long golden locks that helped me “blend” into white privileged suburbia...which at 47, I’m (getting) totally over. 🙏