Post the Goodness...Share the Love


I saw a post today of someone doing this random act of kindness. And I cried. I thought of doing it for all my Christmas shopping and all the deliveries that I get for home and business. And then I cried some more. So decided I had to do it. Today- or I’d forget and let it vanish….

I was lucky enough to have time in between, and after seeing six clients in a row today to make it happen…with my amazing assistant’s help…

I was excited about the feels- and wanted to share it with all of you- but struggled with whether it was the right thing to do.

Because I remembered a discussion in clinic a while ago- when a client talked about how you shouldn’t share on the internet the good things that you do. That it was attention seeking. Or wanting to get accolades. That is should be private. Or sacred…

And I totally get where she was coming from. So almost didn’t post it. Because some peeps don’t like the braggart, or someone who isn’t authentic, or straight unicorn without perspective. But then I remembered- it was someone else’s post that inspired me to do this!! I wouldn’t have thought of it on my own- because I’m busy, and distracted…like we all are.

But after I thought about it, I did disagree with her in a couple of significant ways. Because for me, personally, I get inspired by people’s loving actions. Somehow it feeds me. It helps me to pause. To connect. And to take time to do something similar. It also helps me to be positive in the same times of the year that I hurt. (I come from a lot of hardship, loss, and pain. So…it’s pretty important to me to stay connected with the goodness of humanity and the loving spirit of people.)

To be honest, this shit gives me the feels. And hits me deeply. I truly need it- for my daily medicine. I do a a lot of it, and look for it in my surroundings. Without it, the hardness and the darkness of the world would swallow me whole. Because I work with a lot of hard stuff- and resilience. And I sit in the middle of it a lot myself. So to get in the middle of other people’s loving and giving energy is necessary to prevent me not turning cold and hard.

So I decided to share it. Because I concluded that we can look at the darkness, or we can look at the light. And because I choose to look at both simultaneously- I have to ripple out solutions and love into the world. And there simply is nothing like getting the mojo and fuel of doing the good shit…<3