People in conflicted countries know this. I’ve studied them for years. How does one find joy when it feels like everything is falling apart/different/changing/shifting? The correlation? That it’s an inside job.
That the external is what we have no control over- it’s the internal that we can control.
And in this world, at this time- ya have to fight for it. It’s not easy. It’s mindfulness. And unhooking from the things that will destroy your mental and physical health. It’s creating things that are good, fulfilling, and joyful. It’s staying out of the fear that is meant to program and control. (Be prepared- and then let go…easier said than done.)
Victor Frankl- the Holocaust survivor, psychiatrist, philosopher, neurologist, and the author of “The Man’s Search for Meaning” spoke of the things that he and his cohorts did in the concentration camps. They woke up in the middle of the night after long arduous days and…of all things, recited poetry and prose, put on skits, sang, laughed and had community. He also taught us that the Nazis/predators could do anything to his physical body, but they couldn’t do anything to his mental state and spirit.
I look to those who have suffered immensely to teach me the skills we need to be kind and resilient in the face of terror. To not put our heads in the sand, but to be responsible for what are in charge of…us.
It’s always stuck in my soul that I owe it to those who have “really suffered” (we all suffer- but man, that stuff is so hard to fathom…) to utilize what they have taught us. Not just in thought, but in application.
We are lucky to wake- to have this day, to love, be loved, to breathe, to have the opportunity to co-create and go kick some major ass and do great things while we are here. And have some massive fun while we are doing it. (No matter if the world is burning down or not…💗🙏🔥)
I know it’s hard. Because it takes practice- to learn and build those skills. But you are a badass…and you can do hard things (thanks GD). You were born to do hard things.
More about these subjects in upcoming days- meanwhile, please love yourself, fight for your wellness, and go kick some ass! Love you. 💗🥰😘😍