No need to apologize...

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Amazing how much we are taught to apologize. Especially women. Have you noticed? I was at the shoe store this week- with cramped aisles. Every single time I said “excuse me” to get around a woman, she said “oh, I’m sorry...” as if she did something wrong. Two men, didn’t say a word- they just moved. Already a hypothesis, because I’ve noticed and spoke of this before- but it was wild to see 7-10 women apologize for simply, as one client stated, “taking up space.”

It’s been coming up in clinic all week. Is it simply a nicety- or do we really apologize for our existence? Let us all remember we are doing the best we can- and we have the right to be right fucking here- wherever that is for you. Sending love. ❤️🙏👊🏼💕#wedontapologizehere#sorrynotsorry #youdeservethebest#love #wehealhere #healing#noapologies