Let us Empower Each Other...

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So...yesterday I got a great text from a stellar client who is a healing practitioner who was referring me another healing practitioner. (I’ve been called a “healer of healers,” I love rippling my work to those who ripple out...) and ended with “Thank you for all that you do, you matter and are a treasure to us all.” This touched my heart because: 1. She would say she isn’t a warm and fuzzy person and 2. She didn’t say that what I “did” mattered, she said “I” mattered. She is an intentional person and uses her words mindfully, so this meant a lot to me. 💗🙏 💫

This morning, I woke up to another practitioner that I’ve been working with her family for two years. Her son had behavioral and anger issues from sensitivity and awareness. She texted me an unsolicited email from his teacher this year on how well he is doing and what a leader and contribution he is to the class. She stated that “they couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for sharing your gift to help our family.” 😭💕#whyidotthiswork 💫

So, then...a colleague posted some amazing truth bombs that I was super excited about- so I posted them and shouted out some encouragement, because it’s deep stuff and I know how hard that can be to post. And then! I saw a post of a client that named and claimed her abuser and abuse in her childhood. Like, wow!! People- this is a huge breakthrough and takes some cahones and bravery! I reached out to her to let her know how proud I was of her. With both of these cases, I know it can be lonely and raw when you are speaking truth about things that are “unpopular” 💫

I immediately got the feels- and saw the connection of how all this empowerment is happening and rippling out. It’s humbling. And reassuring 💕 💫

With so much weirdness and uncertainty in our country and planet right now, what we have is...support. And love. And empowerment. And our society doesn’t always want us to have that. But we will. Empowerment is what makes us strong and not controllable. Empowerment is what binds is, what makes change, and allows good things to happen. Please, please, please- be around those who empower you and others, and please- do the same. Much love 💗💗💗