It's Time To Spread Healing To Everyone.

TheBodyListener @we_heal_here-2.png

I have a couple of friends who know bits or a lot of my personal story- and some also know bits or a lot of my professional story. I know this path is Divine and I didn’t (consciously) pick it- and I am simply lucky as hell in so many ways. When I have amazing, brilliant friends who suffered in third world countries tell me my story was really “rough”...I finally started listening. 

What I finally have realized is that most people with such levels of complex trauma don’t usually heal enough to be able to dive into a lot of the deep pockets in ways to actual heal and reverse them. 

I was gifted with a whole witnessing of how trauma reverses. And as all my teachers, mentors, guides, and Spirit have told me repeatedly, is that it would be a shame to waste all of that. 

I know I must go beyond my treatment room for those who will never set foot in one. For those who won’t read the books. Or go to a class. Or have friends who can share healing with them. Or come from where I come from. 

As much as I’ve tried to shrink, hide in a cave, make excuses, sabotage myself, lie to my deepest self- I now have to come out of my proverbial closet. If I don’t, I suffer. If you don’t, you suffer. If we don’t, we all suffer. It sucks. And it’s beautiful. 

So though I have a choice- the paradox is that there is no choice. So I continue to get pulled through- and upgrade. 

This knowledge, these healing stories, what I’ve witnessed in this healing room. It isn’t just for me. That would be ridiculous. 

So thank you for being open and accepting- even with discernment, challenge, and normal judgement. Thanks for those who loved and supported me. Even when I don’t understand why. And those who tried to destroy me. It’s fucking hard to rip these veils off- but the Gods- well, they don’t give a shit. Its time for everything to get uncovered. And for it all to heal. It’s our destiny. And resistance is futile. Stay tuned for the stories. Shit is getting real. ❤️🙏🐺💪🏼💕