The middle is the beginning…


Through the years of healing work, clients and my guides have told me that I am: "The Body Listener." I’ve known that its time to come out of hiding and tell what’s been happening in my treatment room for the last two decades. It's a bittersweet decision, but I know it's not really up to me anymore. (I could keep resisting, but it would just continue undue suffering...)  

Apparently, I made this deal a long time ago. Before I arrived in this body- and then again consciously when I started my practice. In the first month of my practice, I wanted to know "why." Why the body did what it does, why it gets out of balance and "sick," why it heals, and why it doesn't. And boy, I had no fucking idea the ride that I was in for...

This blog will be landing space of the healing stories, success strategies, wellness information and all crazy shit that I've been doing for a living for the last 22 years- as well as the learnings and training that I have received from spirit, science, and my clients, and how we have seen it all in action. I simply have to get it all of it out of my head and share it with the world. I have been resisting for a long time- sharing what goes on in my "experimental laboratory," but I've realized that it simply can't be just for me to witness.

We heal things- here in my practice- and it takes different forms for each client. I came in without beliefs of preconceived notions of what healing was, and every day I am in complete awe of the body and mind's ability to connect and to disconnect, to survive, to hold trauma, to release trauma, to give symbols that you may or may not understand, to allow you to deal with things only when you are ready, to show you everything that you need and want to know about yourself and life.

In response to the question "So, what do you do for a living?"- it's a long story. And as all stories, I think its always best to start in middle...

Stay tuned. And welcome to my ride……..<3