Heal you and We Heal the World...

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I can “see” energy and alignment in a person’s body. It only happened after I went to massage school and started working on bodies- and asked “how it all worked.” Then it all opened up to me. I love anatomy, kinesiology, fascia, posture and using it all to correct the blockages in the system so it can work more efficiently. The results are symptoms and conditions healing or reversing. And it’s not something you can necessarily see with your eyes or understand with the left brain knowledge alone. It’s something you also have to tune into and/or feel. Luckily, I don’t walk around with it wide open all day long- I have developed filters and can now just “sense” it. I can teach others to feel it in their own bodies and eventually others’ (once they have the ethics and grounding to do it...). It’s a humbling and wild experience. 💕💕💕

Tonight- after finally showing my son how to correct his ankles and the curvature in his feet (if he doesn’t, he will need surgery and/or won’t be able to compete in sports or run the way he wants to), he said he was mind blown. He didn’t understand that this was part of my practice- being able to “see” and feel where people were off on their body and how to correct it. He asked me why I don’t do this to “become rich” - I answered that it won’t work if I do it to be rich, it will only work if we do it to help others’ heal. He paused. Then looked at me like he does when we get to Truth. He was satisfied- and finally went back up to bed. 💕💕💕

It will be interesting to see where all of this goes- because this year is the year. Healing the planet means healing ourselves. And healing comes from alignment. May we all become more aligned. Then nothing can stop the healing from rippling across the world- along with the land and the sea...💗🙏💪🏼💕