When Mary Is Your Homegirl
She walked in with purpose, like I had always seen her enter the room. Stout and strong, with big doe eyes and light emitting from every cell. Today, like many days I had seen her, she was dressed from head to toe in pink, with a kick ass hat that covered her hair loss from chemo. She was all out fighting cancer...who she had named “Marge.” A no-BS woman: tough, sweet, and giving- with rough edges you didn’t want to mess with.
“You’re not going to believe this…” she exclaimed excitedly, but then smiled and said “but you actually probably will.” She paused to drop her things on the chair. “I can’t wait to tell you what happened...”
In our previous session, one of the first, we were going over the introductory information for the new subconscious work we were going to do to get some family trauma released out of her body. This was an informational session, and though I would let clients open up about how whatever I was talking about would pertain to their story, I don’t do any “tuning in” or intuitive work for them.
But evidently her healing guides didn’t care. It became apparent later, that this message was very imperative for the healing that she was going to do. As I am going through my informational spiel about how the body reacts to stress, how it holds trauma in the system, how then it becomes your belief system, etc., I see an energy silhouette behind my client.
As is normal practice for me, I ignore it a couple of times to see if its my mind trailing or making something up. (It never is...haha, because that would be way easier in many cases.) My ego mind tries to make it go away so we can do the work that was “scheduled.” As I continue talking, the energy gets stronger and I realize it's not going away. I look up and realize that it’s Mother Mary. I’ve seen her enough with other clients (and in my own personal healing sessions years prior a time or two) that I realize who she is. Today she was calm, but direct, with a sweet smile. She was more the Catholic version, but very big in size as well as energy.
I asked her if she “liked” Mother Mary. Her eyes got big and she asked “yes, why?...”
“Because she is standing right behind you.” I held my hand close to my body and gently pointed my index finger in the direction over her shoulder. She placed her hand over her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. “Well, I pray to her every morning. I do the rosary with her. My father told me about her when I was younger.” She told me of how her father told her that she can pray with Mary and ask for her guidance and that Father (So and So) had just told her that Mary could help with her pain and the process of the treatment.
I got the message from her Mary that she needed to go visit her in a beautiful respite in a town 90 minutes away. Called Mary Queen of Peace, It was a huge amazing garden with 30 foot statues of Mary and Jesus bookending it, and thousands of memorials all over it for tributes for passed and present loved ones on trees, bushes, benches, and statues. She had put it on the calendar.
So on this day, she gets up to the consult room and got settled. She says, “so right after I left her, my friend Mary ________, picked me up, right? And I told her what had happened and what you said about the Virgin Mary.” (She came to me as Mother Mary, she calls her Virgin...different perspectives, happens often) “So my friend just bursts into tears. She says ‘we have to drive by my house because I have something to give you to take home. I’ll tell you about it when we get there.’”
I am nodding my head, but laughing already.
When she takes a breath, I interject slowly, ”your friend Mary, huh?” emphasizing the word Mary.
She raised her eyebrows and said, “ha, oh yeah, I didn’t think about that…”
We both smiled. She paused to think for a second, but then went on.
“So we drive over to her house as I tell her about the rest of my session. She keeps shaking her head. (As she is telling me this story, I can’t help but wonder if her friend should have been driving at this point.) She runs inside and comes back out with a big Banana Republic bag and puts it on my lap. As I open it, she tells me that it is a statue of the Virgin Mary that she has had on the shelf in her prayer room.”
She points her finger at me to emphasize, “and she said that she has prayed to this statue everyday for 20 years. Last week, she realized, out of the blue, that she was supposed to give it to one of her friends. She took it down and wrapped it up to give to her, but then it dawned on her that it wasn’t supposed to be that particular friend, but that she knew there was somebody that was coming along that she was going to need that statue.” So she looks at me and said matter of factly through tears ‘It was you. I was supposed to give this to you.’”
I purse my lips together, equally amazed and amused, as I nod my head slowly.
Then I say laughing, “yep, that sounds about right.” Knowing that she and I know that this is much more than a coincidence.
“AND…” she went on, “I didn’t even think of it when I was in on that day. The day before I was here, an anonymous package showed up from Borsheim’s (a local jewelry shop). I opened it up and it was these peace beads. Evidently, my sister in law was talking about my story and her friend was into this local person who makes these beads. They are absolutely gorgeous. You put charms on them of different saints and holy people. This friend had gone to Borsheim’s to purchase one for me.
She calls my sister-in-law and asks which charm she should get for me and she responds, ‘well, the Virgin Mary of course…’ the woman laughs and says ‘that is exactly who I am holding in my hand…’
So this is what arrives at my door. It took me a while to figure out who it was from. But then it made perfect sense. I have angels everywhere. And those who know me well, know I love Mary.”
She points at me again. “But you didn’t. And neither did she. I opened that up, and have been wearing it everyday. I forgot to tell you when you saw her behind me on that day. It is all just crazy. But then...miracles happen every day.”
I sat with goosebumps because though I hear these things all the time, that this is science and universal law- it never ceases to amaze me. And it's not just the facts and the events of what happens with each person, it is also how it feels in the room. The chills that you get when you know something is true. The vividness and crispness of your visual field when you speak about these things. The energy and focus that becomes more clear. It’s something you can’t describe unless you’ve witnessed it. The temperature changes, everything slows down and everything it about that moment. It's like being wide awake, with nothing else happening in the world.
This is how you come to know that things are true. That these things are beyond you. That these “mysteries” are actually truly science. “THIS is how it works…” She said matter of factly, pointing at me.
(I laughed as this was the question I asked in the beginning. “Show me how this works….”)
Then she laughed. I said “you can’t make this up, huh?”
She points as my and wags her finger at me again…”You CAN’T make this shit up…” (hahaha, that’s what I always say...but I hadn’t said it to her. After all, she’s devout Catholic and I was pretending I didn’t cuss...as much.)
After we did our intake, we went into the treatment room. After her quick re-set on the treatment table, I hear clear as a bell, that she is supposed to take this Mary statue into her bedroom at night. I don’t understand why (at this point, I kind of just do what I am told...but I am always curious…). So I ask her where she has Mary. She said in the middle of her kitchen table, where she prays in the morning. I tell her that she might need to put her in her room to look over her at night, and does that sound right to her?
And then it dawns on me. Her statue has been infused with her friend’s love and intention. She prayed to her about her children for 20 years and no longer needed it. She was the mother that was watching over her children and Mary, being the symbol of the Divine Mother, was infused with this intention.
“When anybody infuses good energy and love into an inanimate object, it holds this energy. Many can feel it. It has all this mothering energy inside of it, that comes through from your friend and Mary. And the Mother Mary needs that energy to watch over you while you sleep to help you heal and have peace.”
(I usually have a pen in my hand while I walk from room to room, so I usually put this pen down and say “if you came into this room and put your love and prayers into this pen, and then several other people did the same. If you continued to do it over a period of time, someone who didn’t know you were doing that could come in and feel the energy of the pen. Oooh, what’s the deal with the pen? It is now Divine because people treated it as such.)
She agreed to pull her into her room that night. And reported back that she was sleeping better at night and had so much peace. She had her Divine Mother- and whatever happened from there would be embraced.
This sweet client passed a few weeks later. I could feel her light move from this plane- but I could also feel her light brighten as she transitioned to the other side where she would have no pain. Not in the physical- and not in the mind.
I received a call from one of her friends that told me how she had told her friends and family that our work together meant a lot, and that getting that connection with Mary helped her find her true peace. I was comforted with that, as in this work, we don’t have control of the outcome- we simply witness these amazing stories and the ways that these things work.
I thought about the comfort that our Divine Guides can give, if we only take the time to pay attention to the signs- for they are all around us.
Higher power soothes and bring so many clients peace. No matter what yours is, they all seem to work the same. Bring it in, and allow it to guide you. You won’t be sorry- but you might feel more at peace…<3