Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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You're a badass...but its still messy...

With the holidays- needed to re-post this!

I work with some badass men and women. (And kids) Many tell me things they’ve never told anyone. Then we unleash it and heal the shit out of it. They tell me it’s because I don’t judge- and they feel safe- and I we think it’s also because I’m raw and messy and truthful, too. For most of my life, no one knew I was suffering. Because I helped others. Was in the trenches. Was good at solutions and fixing situations (I had to in order to survive...). But I didn’t know how to ask for help. And hated the shame looks that I received. And most of the time, the price was high. (I had conditional peeps who you had to do it “their way” in order to get crumbs of figured it out. But that’s not fun- or the way it has to be anymore...) My clients tell me similar stories. I am honored and humbled- because all I want is to help this world, which means healing.

We are in a different world now, peeps. It’s messy. And we all suffer. And it’s okay to talk about it now. Because we are burning it down. And waking up. And connecting. And realizing again, that we are one and in this together. It’s safe to find your people.

So, please, please reach out when you need some help. Or a hug. Or some love. Or your heart hurts. Or you don’t want to do it “that way” anymore. Things change. You change. We are all changing. Waking up. So even the little shit matters. It all matters. You matter. 💕💕💕

Check on your peeps. If you are stupid strong, be honest with your peeps. If you are burning down your life of fake peeps and don’t have any yet- message me. I’ve been there. I get it. You aren’t alone. Your tribe is around the corner, you just have to do patch alone. 💕💕💕

Sending love to you, you badass warrior. So damn proud of you!!! #healing #brave #spiritualwarriors#badass #suffering #reachout #love#tribe