Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Yoga Medicine is Goooood Medicine

Feeling the feels of teaching my new 8 week session of healing yoga last night. Haven’t held a class for two years- and it presented a void in my life. There is nothing like 10 people in a room, with energy connection and breath syncing. Each with their own ailments, body shape and size, fit range, energy sensitivity and awareness, and reasons to clear and heal. Meeting and facing themselves. On the mat. Along with many tools- and space held. Then we see it unfold. Energy medicine. Fascia softening. Blockages released. Breathing into the body and mind. Finding the ability to heal the mental, emotional, physical and energy bodies.

If it weren’t for my students who wait for me to come back to teaching, (like yoga, they are patient, persistent and allowing) I wouldn’t be given this gift of witnessing such transformation in a class, in a series of classes. This work- is like bodywork in action. And can’t be accomplished on the table alone. It needs to be felt by the body and mind that carries it. And then faced, embraced, and allowed to release. When the alignment is correct, the breath goes deep and the energy let’s go, it be filled up with new breath and energy. The physical body knows what to do from there. It rebuilds. And strengthens. And is able to better focus on the next priority on the list. The body- is perfect. It’s knows exactly what it’s doing. It’s wrangling the mind, through the breath, to tame it and relax it- so it knows it’s okay to heal. We give the rabid dog a carcass to chew, we give the bored monkey a rope, we give the body movement, we give the mind the breath. And then it begins.

Thank you for each student through these almost two decades who has taught me how to teach, and the medicine that this work has to bring. It is more important today than ever- and I am blessed to bring this downloaded work to the world. Can’t wait for next class to watch you all unfold even more...💗🙌🏻🥰🙏💪🏽💕