Election Self-Care
Please, please, please...take care of you today and in the days coming. You are important. These times are important. Your physiology is important. We may not be able to change what is going on- but we have some affect on how deep into it we go. What can help balance you? đź’«
I’ve been prepping for a while- and holding space for clients to do the same. Rather than falling into other people’s narrations- I decided that I will stay tuned in, but set my own tone for the day and night. Staying vigilant about the state of my body and mind. Not easy to not get “sucked in” especially on a day like today- but to be optimal for my family, my health, and my businesses, I will stay diligent. Even with my big open heart and care taking ways. (I usually like to be in the “middle of the shit”...) 💫
So here’s to us. You badasses who have watched and felt the division and the pain of our country. Those of you who have broke down and broke open- and have been rebuilding. Those who are crushed, but know there is goodness in it. Those who know this is necessary for the change that needs to happen...while feeling the despair and depths of hell and fear that it is causing so many.💫
We certainly don’t have any power over what happens today- we just have power over us and our corner of the world. And...that’s a lot, I’d say. 💫
So keep breathing- find your balance of living your day and staying connected to what you want and need to- keep tuned into your body to see when it becomes overwhelming. You’ve got this. We all do. This transformation is challenging and sometimes ugly- but there is also such beauty in it. Those are my thoughts and experiences anyways...for what they are worth. 💫
Much love to you. Reach out if you need anything. 💗🔥💗🔥 Thank you @integratedspirit for the post. 🙏