Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Wholeness. Its there...

I haven’t been posting a a week and a half ago I cut off part of my right thumb. Kind of a bodyworker’s worst nightmare- and while in a bunch of pain, and a bit of worry- I’ve also been going inward to hear what it all means. Daily things have been completely different and I found that adjusting takes a little time, and a lot of energy. I’m a “do-er” so not being able to buzz around has been challenging. I’m super grateful it wasn’t worse and I’m healing very well. Probably get most restoration to the functionality of my thumb. And I know that spirit has a reason for all of this which is becoming pretty clear. I just took a week off of work and did tons of writing – (well talk to typing, ha ha.) Through the dark moon before the elections, before my first day back to clinic, I had a day.

I was frozen and overwhelmed in regards to how I was supposed to proceed. I haven’t been able to exercise or do much yoga, meditation wasn’t working- so I went back to my runes. And this is the one that I pulled, which I’d never seen before– the prayer that I needed to focus upon. Not in control of any of this. All I’ve ever wanted to do was serve the highest good and help people heal. Using my gifts to help is all I care about. So per usual spirit spoke to me and I heard what I needed to hear. Not to remember, so I don’t have to cut off my other thumb, hahaha. Wanted to share because as we are standing up, healing, and doing what’s right- we will see the real leaders lead with character, right action, humility and compassion. And of course, we are being called to do the same. There are plans for all of us. You were meant for amazing things. We are all connected and what you do and are matters. So please, go in peace...and...take no shit. 💗💪🏼🙏❤️#spirit #higherpower #healing#humility #trauma #spiritualwarrior#peace #takenobullshit