Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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We take time off here....

I realized it’s been too long since I re-booted so took a last minute trip with a friend over the weekend to play. I’ve been focusing on building a balanced life I don’t need to always have time off from, but had lost the balance at the end of the year with building some great stuff in my businesses. I rested a lot and slowed down- but didn’t really take any time off and ended up tired and getting sick.

Traveling alone (even driving for an hour or two on the open road) has always helped get a clear perspective and has be important to my well being and though I had a million excuses why I couldn’t or shouldn’t go away from my kiddo, my house, my responsibilities- I did it and it was exactly what I needed. I’m happy to say I’ve recalibrated (with the help of the Universe and great support) and have make some important decisions to allow my pace to be better (as a “doer” it’s a challenge to slow down...)- which includes taking more time off, and making space for projects I want to do (not just “fitting them in” in between things) and getting my proactive care in place.

Working hard to not let depletion creep in again. Sometimes we don’t even know it’s happening, so routine and ritual is what I love as a container for us big thinkers and doers. We decide how we roll through life- and though I don’t want to miss a minute of the good stuff- I think it’s important to continue to re-evaluate if the system you’ve created is still working for you. I know it’s hard to step away, but in studying success and good living for 20 years- it’s proven to be always worth it and absolutely necessary in the equation. Take some time to re-boot, even if it’s taking time to stare at a wall for a day- you are worth it! We take time off here. #reboot#recharge #rejuvenate #rest#wehealhere #travel #healing#regroup