Transformation is ugly...and beautiful.
I have friends from all different backgrounds, countries and socio-economic levels. I’ve been, and have been fighting for, the underdog, the exploited, and the vulnerable since I was a teenager. Nothing that is happening is surprising me- just amazed it’s all here at once and we are doing it!
I propose the question beyond the “what” (the issues are) to do you understand the “why” and “how” (it got this way to begin with)? Because the why’s and how’s are deep and complex. And there is no easy answer. Wouldn’t it be great if it was just as simple as one side being right and the other being wrong? But it isn’t. Humans are complex. Groups are more. Societies, even more.
So glad that everyone has a voice- and choosing to use it. Can we decided where is it coming from? Are you discerning- or just regurgitating? Are you being programmed to fit on the “right side,” or are you getting deep into the issues and the history of them?
And lastly- what are you doing for positive change? For love and unity? For equality for all people- even those who don’t look like you? There are many forms of it, micro and macro. And we can either come from fear and control, or we can come from love and solution. Where do you want to live??
These are crazy and rough times. Don’t let them separate us. We all want basically the same things. Don’t let your physiology get wrecked, or we are no good to anyone. Self care, clarity, solution. Self care, clarity, solution. Repeat. Do the things that are in your heart and soul- no matter how small. Things are tricky and hard right now- only do what you can handle. The intention and right living and loving are plenty right now...
It’s ugly. And raw. And beautiful. You were built for this time. Let us all get clear on the role that best serves us, and the highest good. You’ve got this. I have faith in you.
Much love. 💗🙏