Praying Mantis Medicine...
Praying mantis medicine. Showed up on our window at IHOP while getting our funny face pancakes and omelets- talking about standing up for ourselves in a balanced way. How "nice" doesn't mean letting people walk all over you- and then it doesn't mean waiting until it bottles up so much that you explode externally (we call it "going full Viking" in our house) or imploding internally.
Right action means dealing with things as they come up. We called in the Uncle to come help give perspective and wisdom since my son and he are so much alike. Super strong and deeply sensitive. How do you do it right? It's a hard balance- and confusing. We can dialogue about it better than we did when my bro and I were kids and now having the yogic path, how do we wind it all together when kids and bullies are in your face? Then this guy showed up...reminding us that we are all kung fu fighters and Samurai Warriors. Funny thing- we saw the same thing here a year ago.
Wow. Animal medicine is strong. Important for us to pay attention. We pay attention to animal medicine and totems here.
#kungfufighting #prayingmantis#wehealhere #spiritualwarrior#selflove #standup #vikingyogi#balancematters #ittakesavillage