Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Letting it All In...

Oh what a week (two weeks? three weeks?) it has been. So much suffering- and beauty. I’ve been super busy in the clinic, with lots of trauma- emergencies- and tons of beautiful healing...and realizations- and joy. Those who were present- let it all in. Such a humbling damn experience....

All my colleagues, clients, friends, family- our deep stuff is coming up. And the ripples and waves and tremors from this last year. They are showing up, and it may hurt more because we are tired...and as a friend said “I’m just done.” But...we aren’t. Because we are badasses. 

We simply must work together- and take care of each other. I hold space for many. And others hold space for me. All the pain cut me very deep last week- and for one of the first times, I let it all in, and it hurt so very much. I felt it. And it sucked. I fell- I was overwhelmed with all the emotion- and collective pain and grief. I collapsed, I sobbed, and I didn’t know if I could do it anymore. Then I remembered my tools- what I teach, what I know- and I called my support peeps, to listen, to help- and I let myself be held. (Which I’m not good at...) I survived. And it passed. I drank water...ate...well, pizza and Taco Bell, and then some salad and smoothies. And laughed with my kid. And read. And rested. 

Then I was ready to get back to it. I was stronger and more focused for the important work we do here. And more flooded in. More opportunities to reach more people- like I’ve been asking for. So I made sure I could show up for my pre-teen and householder duties. I cut out things that weren’t priorities. And focused on what I needed and wanted to. Striving for balance, losing it, coming back. Taking time. Loving, and being loved. 

These are wild fucking times. The real stuff is there- and if we feel strong and supported enough, we can decide it’s time to let it all in. If not, don’t’s not going anywhere. It will be there waiting for when it’s the right time for you.  To let it all in. One step at a time...💗🙏