It's Fall, Time for Cupping!
It’s fall. And time for cupping!!
Cupping is what got me back to massage and “physical” work.
I did deep tissue work in the beginning of my practice 24 years ago- within a month, energy, light, and intuitive messages started showing up. So I gravitated to working from the “inside out.” I learned more subtle, and not so subtle, fascia and energetic modalities such as craniosacral therapy, orthobionomy, myofascial release therapy, reiki, and zero balancing- while “seeing” all the different energy systems along the way. The “messages” of injury, imbalance, accidents, and blocks came from that base.
Years later I wanted to help clients with detoxing, and after getting cupping from an acupuncturist friend- I sent all my clients there. Eventually my friend said that she didn’t specialize in cupping and didn’t want just cupping clients- and why didn’t I just go get trained myself?
I took an amazing class that changed my outlook on “muscle work.” Rather than fighting with the tissue with “positive pressure,” (pressure on top of tightness, tension and pressure) cupping works with “negative pressure.” Like a mama kitty to a babies nape of its neck- it pulls it up and sedates/relaxes the tissue. Then we can do what we want with it.
I was hooked. And loved the results. So I did as much cupping as I could- learned and much as I could, and eventually started teaching locally so peeps could have it in their practice.
If you are local- come in for a session. If you aren’t- look for my home care classes coming soon. Cupping has been a home remedy for hundreds of years, and IMO everyone should have access to it.
Happy fall and happy detoxing. 💗🔥🙏