Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Don't Deny the Warrior...

I had a 14-year-old girl come in a while back, for anxiety, anger issues, constipation, allergies and asthma. She had been in and out of counseling due to an abusive mother- and was now living with her father 100% full time. They came to me on a referral because of her symptoms and had heard that I could help them heal her body.

She was a quiet, but frustrated girl. Her system was on overwhelm and I could tell that her body was screaming to release, but was trying to hold onto everything, poop included. I sensed that she was just barely holding it together, so instead it manifested into these physical ailments…so we got real.

She was told by a counselor that she just had a devil on her shoulder and she need to continue to flick it off. This made her feel ashamed and that her anger was negative and bad. Most importantly, it wasn’t working to continually push these feelings and parts of her down.

So I told her that that part of her was beautiful. That it helped her to get through all the things that she had to get through. And that was a great defense mechanism so that she wouldn’t stay weak and vulnerable – but instead fight back. I told her she could learn how to channel it so it didn’t feel so overwhelming, and asked her if it worked to do the “flicking off.” She replied no, and we both agreed her warrior was too strong…and much too smart for that.

As they were leaving dad said she’s never opened up to anybody like she did with me. I hear this a lot. Especially from families who are told textbook bullshit from the medical and mental health world. It’s nobody’s fault- but its time to update our healing methods beyond “the books.”

Maybe it was because I told her that her warrior was great, and that I liked that part of her a lot. To me, being a “good girl” that everyone wanted her to be was the reason she was sick in the first place- that, and having the woman that you come from, abuse and reject you.

We don’t “flick away” the warrior, we embrace her and channel her properly. Ive learned that you must feed and channel the warrior or she’ll destroy you. She is a part of us that is good, and right. And can’t be shamed away, or ignored. If she is, she will turn into heat issues such as: stomach irritations, digestive disorders, skin issues, irritation and anger- which not dealt with, turns into depression, anxiety, helplessness and powerlessness.

May we all learn how to use and warrior properly- and it will help us become free, calm, and balanced. And healed.

Stay tuned for more about channeling our warrior for health and wellness. It’s 2020, and it’s time we let our warriors out. We must fight for ourselves, our health, and our well-being. For if we don’t, who will?? 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️