Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Breaking wide open...helps us heal...

We (sometimes) break here. In order to heal. Before the process that brings clients here- or they come for an owie shoulder and start randomly hearing themselves again. There are generally levels of healing. We can start with the physical issues or brokenness, and look at ways to help muscularly, physiologically, and lifestyle-wise- then we usually get to the mental parts, what our thoughts are doing, what our patterns and habits effect how we show up, in relationships and taking care of self, do they heal or hinder- eventually we get to the viscera and emotional reactions, which live deep in the tissue and memory- and sometimes the energetics hop right in at any stage, showing us what's true for us. These latter stages are when we really start splitting open and start healing. The triggers. The information. The blocks, fears, and reactions. This the information of what's wounded and broken off away from us. Only then can we retrieve those parts of us that weren't being served, heard, attended to.

Once we start loving and serving ourselves- then we see the former parts healing, sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, sometimes instantly. In the "modern shamanism" that shows up in my practice- symbols usually come in to help the clients. I usually don't understand them..but they do. It's a beautiful, sacred process that I get to witness. To watch people come back to themselves, to watch conditions- some of which peeps have had for a short time or throughout their entire lives- slowly or quickly reduce or reverse. To see lightbulbs go off in people's heads- to clear things that they've been working on so hard- it's so humbling...

The just doesn't lie. The's tricky sometimes. We need someone who can hold space and help us feel safe and not judge through the process as we unfold and heal. I have those peeps for me. I hope you do, too. We are in this together. ❤🙏 #wehealhere#storytelling #love #healing#balancematters #vikingyogi#trauma #healer