Be love.
I saw this meme earlier- and pondered it today. And then I just realized, I got to put it into action. See how these things ripple out? So I thought I had to write it to let it ripple out more…
I went to Walgreen’s tonight to get pick up some aloe for my very sunburned child, and some other toiletries. After I pulled up, I saw someone parked next to me going slow getting out of their car. I didn’t think much of It, but the mother hen that I am- I looked to see if the person was okay. They were moving along, so I hustled inside to get all the stuff I needed.
As I was walking down one of the main aisles- I saw a nicely dressed, fully made up woman walking slowly with a cane. We smiled at each other, and I said “Hi- how are you doing?” She perked up and said “well, I’m hanging in there- one slow step at a time.” I said “well, that is better than some…” and added loudly “you are doing great, lady” as I passed someone else who looked me strangely. I got my stuff in the different aisles and got in line to checkout.
Around the corner she appeared right behind me. “Hello again,” she said.
“Hi there.” I sensed she might be a little in pain, and a tinge of embarassment.
“It’s hard getting around- but my husband says I need the walking.” She shrugged and looked down, then back up.
“Well, Im just happy that we are upright after the year we’ve all had..” I replied.
She nodded solemnly “yeah, that’s true.”
She went on. “This isn’t even my list. He’s the one that has heart problems.”
As I’m checking out talking to the cashier, she puts her item on the counter next to mine.
I laughed it off with her, like I do. “Well, that doesn’t sound too fair.”
She went on just a little- to inform, rather than complain. With dignity and ownership. You could tell she didn’t like going so slow, and would rather be home and not be in people’s way.
Also- did I mention this night there was a heat advisory and it was still 93 degrees at 8pm, with a heat index over 100??
I finished checking out, thanked the cashier, and to the woman now looking down through her purse I said loudly “you take care of yourself.”
She paused, and then realized that I was talking to her and yelled back- “thank you, dear.”
I rushed back to my car and started it to get home. Then I realized…she wasn’t in the handicap spot, or even close to the store. She was the person parked next to me. Across a busy parking lot. There were speed bumps, but peeps tore through here too fast. I know…I’ve been one of them.
Then I looked up and the sun was beating right down in my our direction- damnit. Well, that just wasn’t going to work for me. I had images of her getting mowed down by the mega-bass loud cars speeding through the parking lot- and yeah, I would have nightmares and worry about her.
So I waited. And waited. More and more people came out- but she didn’t. My pitta (fast and fiery) ass wanted to zip home and get there for the night. But every time I thought about leaving, I knew she would come out as I pulled out.
As an empath and intuitive- I tend to have some good social anxiety. I overthink everything. And feel awkward about most interaction. But I knew I had to stay…because…I’m a weirdo and see everyone as my family. And now she was on my watch.
So she finally came out. And I turned off my car and got out. Semi-nervous, I approached slowly as not to scare her. And I asked her if she was parked across the parking lot. She looked surprised, said yes, and then look worried (maybe that I hit her car, lol)- so I quickly said “Mind if I walk with you?”
Her whole body relaxed and she said “oh yes, thank you.” I didn’t want her to think I was pitying her- and that she couldn’t get to her car. I just wanted to walk alongside her across the way so she I could rest easy knowing she was okay.
Instead of letting me walk with her, she put her arm out, and I of course took it. We intertwined arms sweetly and grabbed hands- and I could feel the tension instantly leaving her body. (She didn’t want that damn cane…)
She said “God bless you, dear. My husband doesn’t think there is anything wrong with me, but this is hard.”
I told her something along the lines, like I do, that we all just needed to work together and women needed to help each other out. I then sweetly laughed and said maybe she needed to get a handicap sticker or at least park closer to the building.
“I’m married to a man that I’m making it up- and I should just keep moving along. Somedays I just want to…” she trailed off…
“Hit him with that cane??”
We both busted out laughing.
We shuffled over to her car, taking my sweet ass time this time. She opened her car and said thank you repeatedly. I told her again that we need to take care of each other. Then she exclaimed that she loved me- and I told her that I loved her, too. And then I gave her a hug.
I drove away in bewilderment. Of how natural that all was for me- and for her. And how far away that has gotten in the last couple of years. All too busy, all too disconnected, all too scared, and all too blocked and opinionated.
Now I miss her. And wish I would have given her my number. To check in on her- to let her know someone cares. Living as a boomer with a husband that…well, we know…but I heard and saw her. And we both needed that. She wasn’t needy, dominating, or a victim. I would have loved the opportunity to swap stories, because I am sure she has some good ones.
An amazing thing was- we didn’t ask about vaccination status, who we voted for, our opinions about masks, or what thought of the atrocities of this world- we were just two neighbors…two women, loving on each other. Equals. Navigating this crazy ass world we live in.
So- that’s the world I will try to continue to create. I’ll try to steal all those moments I can. And say hello to strangers- because that’s where my friends are that I haven’t met yet. And we all need more good ones of those.
If you get it, you are welcome here anytime. If not, let’s heal that shit. With love.