Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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Baby's got Back...

When you wear a medium swimsuit top and an extra large swimsuit bottom...('cuz baby's got back.) And for a minute, I thought I was supposed to feel guilty or bad about that. I was trained to tell a story about how I was working on it. Or justify by saying things such as "well, I am in my 40's now" or "I'm just super strong/muscular" or "for having a kid at 36, it's not so bad"- as if I had to give reasons or excuses for why my body was the way it was, rather than "just because." Or I should "try" to get somewhere else. Now I realize I was still secretly hating on my body. Because I was taught to. And I thought if someone had lost a bunch of weight or was working out, or whatever, they "could" post a swimsuit selfie- but because I have cellulite on my legs and ass, I'm not allowed to. What. Ever.

Many great people have been role models for body positivity, it's been in the air and I'm feeling it. So I gave myself permission to be done "trying to get my body to a certain weight." I eat well(ish), work out daily, and move and rest the way that works for my life. The rest has to just be okay. I work with tons of body image issues every week with clients, but didn't realize I still had voices in my own head. About my own body. I had to be brave enough to share my story, so here's my swimsuit selfie- (really, I just wanted to see what it looked like being medium and extra large..) and...really I wanted to know why stores get to decide that I have an extra large ass? Can't they just put number sizes on things and let it be?

Or does that secretly get us to hate ourselves so we buy more shit? I'm not buying it. And I'm not buying it...(though I did buy the suit, because I loved it and I don't have a one piece!) 😉So love yourself. Change if you want to. But not because you ever "have to." We learn to love our bodies here. #loveyourbody #loveyourself#wonderwoman #bodypositivity#youdontdefineme#sizesarejustsizes #wehealhere#vikingyogi #balancematters