Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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The Spiritual Warrior...

From KC. We will come together- it just takes a lot of burning down first. The way of the spiritual warrior is not easy. There is so much consciousness and lack of group think- discernment and thought and stillness. Decisions and states of mind that don’t always run with the crowds of those around you. 💫

There isn’t a right side in any of this, because there are no sides. But there is a common goal, and that is love. With connection, respect, and honor. Not easy- but definitely worth it. And worth the time and work that it takes to get there. We are going through huge transformations right now- collectively, therefore individually. It is up to us to do our personal work WHILE we serve the collective in the changes we are making. 💫

I encourage you to look at the places that you are blocked, and see how you can explore and go deeper into those places. And right now, give love to those places that are triggered. It may not be the time to dig deep on those right now, but be graceful- being aware and allowing healing to those parts of us that are hurting. We are all scared in these new normal times- and whatever emotions and reactions that you are having are normal and valid. Take care of yourself the best you can- and get help in those ways that you can’t. We all need level heads right now, while we burn down this current system and create something new. Sending much love. Please reach out if I can help in any way. 💗🙏