Melanie Osborn- The Body Listener

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We Must Be Resilient...

I listen to these wordsmith and magic makers almost daily. This song is on repeat today, as more news comes forward in Breonna Taylor’s case. We are being polarized. We are being told half truths. We are slowly chipping away at an unequal world. And we are standing up...

My/our job is to stay steady and strong, to sustain and do right action in the social change that is happening in our country. It’s hard, no matter how your beliefs and principles align. As RBG is laid to rest, the man who shot James Scurlock in our city finally gets indicted and then kills himself, and now I pray for Louisville and our country. That is within 5 days...

These times are challenging, while we navigate COVID, our children and families, the economic strife, all the personal, systemic and societal issues that are revealing themselves. It’s a huge cleansing and clearing- and the burn down process is amazingly uncomfortable (if you are looking at all who are affected.) 

So I will do my best. To love. And hold space. And heal while I hold space for others to do the same. And sometimes I will react. Have pain. Melt down. And be raw. Keeping our hearts open and protected. Being still. And more silent. So we can choose right action. And do good within the negative. Be peace within the chaos. And be love within the hate. For we are RESILIENT....💪🏼💗🙏